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2013 Roofing Trends

Just like in the fashion industry or automotive industry, every year a new design style or trend comes out in roofing.  The trends usually revolve around material shape, type, color, and efficiency of the roofing system.  Schulte Roofing, a College Station roofing contractor has identified some trending roofing styles for 2013.

Arched and Curved Roofs

Arched and Curved roofs create an aesthetically pleasing appearance.   Arched and curved roofs allow for new angles on otherwise traditional roofs, more edge finishing options, and appealing gutter options.  Additionally, arched and curved roofs work well with just about any shingle type.  This adds a huge number of mix and match options available when designing your roof.

Older roof types are making a comeback this year as well.  In a renewed effort to renovate and remodel older homes, the Dutch Gambrel style roofs are climbing to the top of the list as well, with their 18th century Georgian look.

Green Roofing Materials

Due to both government incentives for using green building materials and cost savings over the course of time, green roofing materials will be extremely popular.  To meet this demand, roofing manufacturers are creating new green roofing materials and roofing types, with a focus on clean and recyclable products.

Green roofing materials are also keep in many LEED certification programs, which ensures that roofing products are free from hydrochlorocfuorocarbons and clorofluorocarbons.  All materials must be 100% recyclable as well.

Products like insulated metal roofing are also trending high because of the vast number of design options available.  The biggest factor in their popularity among both commercial and residential roofing is their energy efficiency.  As discussed in our previous blogs, many of these metal roofing materials have a R-values, which is a value that shows how well a roofing system prevents heat and energy absorption by the house.

Green Roofs

In many parts of the country, homeowners are returning to a very early and fundamental form of roofing.  These customers integrate their home and roofing system with the surrounding environment.  This roofing system allows vegetation to grow on the outside, providing a natural cooling effect to the building and structure.  Additionally, green roofs offer additionally gardening, landscaping, and architectural opportunities.  All of which customers in this segment of the market value most.

Earth Color Trends

In conjunction with newer architectural styles and home color styles, roofing color trends are now incorporating earth tones to complete home looks.  In addition to various tones of brown that are already available and widely used, many other colors like blue, green, gray, beige, and off-white will also have a major show in 2013.

Design Your Roof with a College Station Roofing Contractor

Schulte Roofing is a professional College Station roofing contractor with over 18 years of experience in roofing styles, trends, installations, and repairs.  Our expert roofers will use your roofing goals; be it style, material, and energy efficiency and design the right roof for your budget.  Contact Schulte Roofing to design your roof’s new look today.