Roofing Process

The Roof Replacement Process in 6 Steps

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to replace your roof, whether or not from old age or damage, the next step is to figure out how exactly you’re going to start.

The roofing replacement process can be a little daunting if you don’t know how to navigate through it. But understanding the basics can offer relief throughout the process, and better prepare you for installation.

Here is a 6-step process of how Schulte Roofing can help replace your roofing. We’ll explain exactly what goes into a roof replacement and how you can get ready for that day.

What Is a Roof Replacement?

Roof replacement is the process of tearing up your roof and replacing it with newer materials. Replacement is often only done once or twice in a home’s lifetime, especially if the roof is regularly maintained with repairs when necessary.

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider replacing your roof over just repairing it. Severe damage after a storm, leaks, aging components, rotting, and deterioration are all reasons you should consider a replacement.

If you have any of these problems, don’t wait too long to start the replacement process. If you do, installing a new roof could potentially cost you way more than expected.

Benefits of Replacing Your Roof

Other than protecting you and your loved ones, you may have yet to realize just how many other benefits there are to replacing your roof. Some include:

  • Increase the resale value of the home
  • Get a new and improved look
  • Upgrade your roofing materials
  • Reduce maintenance and repair costs
  • Higher the energy efficiency
  • Receive an all-new warranty

Depending on your situation, the reason for replacing your roof may differ from others. However, if any of these benefits interest you, then it may be time for you to call your local roofing contractor and start the process of installing a new roof.

What Is the Roofing Replacement Process?

Roof replacement is a huge decision that should be taken seriously. But if you’ve made the ultimate decision to install a new roof and beautify your property again, then you’ll need some help to get you through the process.

Here’s a detailed rundown of how Schulte Roofing will professionally install your new roof for you.

Step 1. Schedule Inspection and Remedy Visit

Before anything else, you’ll need to get a good look at the state of your roof. Get in touch with Schulte Roofing and schedule an in-person meeting with a Schulte Roofing Project Manager. They’ll come down and see what your roof needs.

There are two options here that you can choose to do – A 17-point or our comprehensive inspections. Schulte Roofing’s 17-point inspection is a quick inspection that gives you a general overview of your roof’s condition by inspecting 17 points of your roofing system.

On the other hand, a comprehensive inspection will be what you’re looking for. This inspection report gives you an in-depth look, covering every single roofing system point tailored-made to your roof.

And while the quick inspection is an excellent option if you already know what you need, a comprehensive assessment is the go-to option if you need to report to your insurance company before work can begin.

Step 2. Get an Accurate Estimate and Contract

So now that you have an accurate overview of your roof, it’s time to get the ball rolling with an estimate and contract.

After the inspection, our roofing project manager will review everything with you. That means telling you how much damage there is with the roof, if there was damage done, what work needs to be done to fix it, and how much it would cost you overall.

Now it’s time for you to review the estimate, ensuring that it falls into your budget and that you agree with all the terms. Now is the time to talk with the project manager to work through the small details to develop the best agreement.

Once you’ve all agreed and shaken hands, the project manager will write up a contract for you. All you have to do is sign it.

The project manager will then discuss with you the work process. We know just how busy you and your family are, so we’ll work out a schedule that’ll be best for everyone. Remember to write down the schedule on your calendar and create reminders for every step.

Step 3. Wait for Materials to Arrive At Your Door

Now comes the hardest part. Wait.

Once everything is scheduled and a date locked, your Schulte Roofing project manager will work to order all the new materials for your new roof. Then, all you have to do is wait for it to arrive right at your door.

All the components will come packaged and placed on your property in trucks or containers ready for when the contractors come on installation day.

But before they do come, you should also prepare.

First, make sure your driveway is clear of personal belongings. It’s vital no obstructions can get in the way of work. This is for your safety and the safety of the workers.

If you’re sure that you and your family will not be going out during that time, it’s best if you can also place your car in the garage to avoid any damage.

Having a clear space for everyone to work will lower any potential risks to safety.

Step 4. Prepare for Replacement

Installing a new roof according to proper installation techniques should be quick. If everything goes smoothly and there are no major deterrents or surprises, you should be looking at your new roof within a day. Here is a quick breakdown of what the installation process should look like.

1. Tear Off

Now the day has come to install your new roof. Contractors will arrive at your home on time and begin the first step to roof replacement. That means tarps and other protectants to preserve your garden or yard. Then the tear-off process will begin. This is when your old roofing components are removed to make way for the new materials.

Your roofing is comprised of various materials and components. This include

  • Roof decking
  • Flashing
  • Ice and water shield
  • Drip edge
  • Shingles
  • Roof vents
  • Pipe boots
  • Ridge capping
  • Underlayments

All of these layers are torn out and deposited into designated waste containers. Schulte Roofing contractors will utilize large tarps to avoid damage to your driveway and garden while keeping everything organized and safe. The old materials are then recycled.

During this step, your gutters will also be cleaned from any roofing debris left behind.

2. Installation

After ensuring everything is completely gone from the old roof, the contractors will begin placing the new materials.

Our system involves moving around the roof and starting from where the roof was torn off first. This ensures an efficient system that makes the process shorter.

The installation is simple, with the roof decking and leak barrier placed first. Then, the ice and water shield are added to protect your home from storms and extreme weather conditions.

Next up is installing the shingles right before ventilation. And finally, ridge cap shingles are placed at the top to help defend your roof against future leaks.

Be aware that the quality of the roofing materials and workmanship is the ultimate deciding factor as to whether or not you get a roof that lasts for a lifetime.

One of the best things about Schulte Roofing installation is that our roofs are hand-crafted and installed according to to manufacture specifications.

By using hammers and nails instead of nail guns, we can install your roof and secure it with nails without overdriving and damaging the materials. You can also rest assured that the roof you get in the end fits your home like a glove, thanks to our contractors double-checking the measurements.

So make sure you’re getting the best out of your roofing materials and contractors so you and your family can enjoy a long-lasting roof.

3. Cleanup

With your new and improved roof in place, your contractors are now ready to begin cleanup.

Schulte Roofing begins this process by discarding large debris and throwing them in waste containers for future recycling. For smaller debris like nails and other small parts from the installation process, the contractors will bring out a strong magnet that will pick up anything else left.

Workers will then gather their tarps and tools, leaving everything the way it looked before they stepped on your driveway.

Inspect the grounds and roof to make sure the contractors left your yard as clean and professional as possible.

4. QA Inspection

Although it may look like the end, there’s still one more step to ensure you get the best roof possible.

After the contractors leave, prepare to meet an independent inspection professional. These individuals make it their job to ensure you didn’t get an inferior roof than want you agreed on.

QA inspections will look over your roof for the last time. They will check the quality of the roof’s materials, see if it’s structurally sound, and ensure that it’s installed according to the manufacturer’s requirements.

Keep in mind that a roof combines many elements that sit on top of your home. These materials are heavy, so making sure that the contractors installed them correctly is their top priority.

They will also inspect your yard for debris or trash for your safety.

Finally, they will ensure that you, as the homeowner are satisfied with the work done. If you are, then it’s time for the next step.

Step 5. Pay for your roofing

Ideally, you should have already been in contact with your insurance company to discuss costs and payments during the estimate and contract portion of the process.

If you agreed to pay through your insurance, your agency would have issued you an initial payment for the work to get started. When the installation is over, you should expect a check to come in the mail for the final payment. After that, you can sign it off to our roofing contractors.

Wondering what it costs to replace your roof? Various factors determine the final price of your roof replacement. Some include

  • Roofing materials
  • Design
  • The steepness of your roof
  • Labor
  • Unexpected expenses
  • Square Footage of your roof

We have a list of important roofing pricing factors that will certainly help you. Just remember that what impacts your final costs will be different for someone else. Discuss all of this with your insurance company and our contractors beforehand.

Step 6. Review Maintenance and Warranty

The final step is to review your new warranty with Schulte Roofing and the manufacturer.

When you install a new roof, you automatically get a new warranty that will protect you from defective materials and unprofessional workmanship. With Schulte Roofing, you’ll be able to get our Bulletproof Roof Guarantee. And no, this doesn’t mean putting holes in your roof.

Our warranty ensures that if you are unsatisfied with the work or if the materials the contractor used are somehow defective, you won’t have to worry about getting caught in the middle of a blame game.

Schulte Roofing will accept responsibility for any faults the manufacturer refuses to accept. Instead, Schulte Roofing will honor it so you can get your roof fixed.

With our Roof Shield Maintenance Program membership, you’ll also benefit from 3 years of roof maintenance. Read up on our roof warranty and guarantee to know everything we offer.

All these warranties can help you keep your roof longer, so remember to talk to our contractors to see how our warranties can help keep your roof looking new.

Next Steps

And that’s all there is to it.

Now that you better understand the roofing replacement process, you’ll be ready to prepare for your own roofing installation when the time comes.

And Schulte Roofing will be with you the whole way. We’ll walk you through it from the initial meeting and inspection to construction, planning, and cleanup. Finally, we’ll set you up with a beautiful new roof installed with the highest quality according to manufacturer specifications.

Call or make an appointment with us today.