
Is It a Good Idea to Use Flashing on a Roof?

There are several parts of the roofing system and exterior walls that are prone to leaks and waterMontgomery_Roof penetration. These components are generally made up of valleys, drip edges, skylights, vent pipes, dormers, deck intersections and chimney perimeters. Locations such as these require an added protective layer that only properly installed flashing can furnish to effectively guard a building from water entry. For commercial or residential roofing, this component is vital in deflecting water away from seams, angles or joints and very useful in many different situations.

The information provided below will give some insight into the usefulness of flashing in every type of building construction.


Flashing is an engineering technique that began to be used thousands of years ago and has continued to serve as the last line of defense to protect a building from the water penetration. It is made from metal sheeting material, usually either aluminum or galvanized iron which can be easily bent to a desired angle. It is positioned at intersections and end points to divert water so that it does not leak into a building in order to prevent interior damage and make a building relatively watertight.

Locations on the roof where flashing is commonly used include: chimneys, skylights, valleys, drip edges, vent pipes and other features that extend out from the building top. In order to achieve the intended result, the material used should be durable, weather-resistant, flexible, and low-maintenance. It also must be properly installed as improper installation of is one of the biggest causes of leaks to all types of buildings.

Reasons for Use

Flashing is primarily used to protect the angles and joint spaces of the roof and vertical walls. It adds another layer of defense to particular areas that are vulnerable to leaks. Water is the one element that is considered the ultimate enemy of any building. It can manage to creep inside and cause serious damage to interior structures before showing any visible evidence on the outside.

To prevent water penetration, any vulnerable junction should be reinforced with this engineering technique to divert water away from such areas and allow it to drain naturally. In most cases, these are difficult areas to work with and require the technical knowledge of professionals in terms to install since such a location is usually the weakest point of an entire roof.


One of the biggest causes for roof deterioration is failure of the flashing to perform its main function which is why it should be inspected for functional loss resulting from improper installation, metal deterioration, or thermal stress. When flashing needs to be replaced, it is considered to be a major operation as a large portion of the roof must be removed in order to install the new system. Due to this complexity, it is generally a job requiring a skilled expert since installation is technical by nature. Professional contractors can expertly install high quality compatible material to avoid future problems.

The installation of flashing is a very critical element in maintaining a waterproof roofing structure. Even though it involves a simple engineering technology, it plays an essential role in the deflection of water from angles and junctions on the roof, thereby providing proper drainage. Proper installation is just as important as the material used since it will have a direct impact on the performance and effectiveness of the roof.

This is the main reason why professionals should determine whether it is a good idea to use flashing and be sure that it has been properly positioned and appropriately layered based on standard roofing procedures. So it is indeed a great idea in most cases to use flashing to resolve any water penetration issues on a roof!

Contact Schulte Roofing for Montgomery Roof Flashing Questions!

Are you looking for a Montgomery roof company to help determine if your roofing structure requires flashing material? Call Schulte Roofing at 800-367-7663 for questions about flashing as well as any other roofing questions of Montgomery area customers!