Let’s debunk this myth from the get-go: A metal roof is no louder than a traditional shingle roof. I know what you’re imagining—it’s a brisk, fall day. The clouds are just starting to roll in, the wind is picking up. You’ve just finished raking the leaves in the front yard and with one glance at the ominous sky, you determine it’s best to leave the backyard for another day. Maybe you’ll get lucky and the storm will blow all the leaves into the neighbor’s yard. You pour a big mug of hot cider and curl up on the couch to watch a movie. Thunder booms, the wind picks up. Acorns and tree debris clank on top of your roof and echo through the room like sounds of stilettos running on tile floor. You sigh and turn up the volume on TV. No harm done. But then the rain picks up, and although it’s just rain it sounds like hail pelting your metal roof. The stilettos that were running are now an army of fashionistas sprinting overhead. It’s as if nails are being blasted into your ceiling by machine guns. You can’t hear a single word coming from the TV and you feel insanity starting to brew in your brain. And all you have to blame is the metal roof above your head, right?
WRONG. If you buy a metal roof for your house, this scenario will NOT be your future.
You won’t be pulling your hair out, stocking up on ear plugs, or shopping for real estate in cities with the lowest annual rainfall. Metal is not louder than a shingle roof! While you won’t be straining to hear your spouse every time the rain picks up, you will be breathing a sigh of relief with every utility bill. Not only is metal cheaper in the long run, but it’s also more durable, lasts years longer than shingle roofs, and can help make your home more efficient.

So how exactly is a metal roof quieter? We’ve all used a tin can as a noise maker before and we’re not dumb. Metal can be loud, but when used as a roof, other materials are used with the metal to muffle the sounds typically associated with metal. It’s true that the original metal roofs were loud, but back then the roofs were just a thin sheet of metal on rafters. Things are different now.
Now, insulation is used with the metal to dull out any excess sound. Deep-textured folds in the metal shingles prevent the “pinging” noises one might expect from metal. Additionally, the airspace between roof and attic as well as ventilation absorb much of the sound created when anything strikes the roof. If there is no room for air space, padding material and additional layers are used to mask any noise pollution. If the roof is installed with solid sheathing, it’ll absorb sound even better than a shingle roof would. So no, your house will not become a drum line performing the latest pop hits when every rainstorm rolls in. With metal, you’ll hardly hear the rain at all. One study found that the difference in decibels between a metal roof and a shingle roof was only 6 decibels and the human ear doesn’t even register sound until it’s over 8 decibels.
While we’re on the topic of Metal Roof Myths, let’s debunk a few more. Unless you already have poor reception in your home, a metal roof will not affect your cell phone reception. Chances are you’re already using your phone in offices, restaurants and stores with metal roofs without any issue.
Secondly, a metal roof will not cause your home to be an easy target during a lightning storm. Metal does conduct electricity, but lightning isn’t attracted to it, it’s attracted to the highest object in the sky and antennas, utility poles and trees are all likely taller than your home.

There is really no reason at all to fear a metal roof. The pros far outweigh the few-and-far-between cons in College Station roofing. Metal roofs may be the bad kid in the class with a shady reputation, but those days are over! It’s a misconception, not the truth, the metal roof never did anything wrong that made it worthy of that stigma.