Hail Damage

What is Hail and How Does it Damage A Roof?

Houston roofing repairWhen Mother Nature is annoyed, she throws her best in the form of storms of all kinds, many of which cause extensive property damage. Hail damage is just about the worst type of roof destruction as wekk as wind damage. Combined, these losses to roofing surfaces can be either quite substantial or so subtle as to not even be noticeable; however, after a hail storm it is a good idea to have a reputable repair firm inspect to make sure there is no damage that should be repaired before creating future problems.


Hail is solid ice created under certain storm conditions, usually during severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. It can occur in sizes ranging from tiny particles to baseball-sized chunks, all of which have the capacity to cause harm to a roof. One of the biggest misconceptions about hail is that if it is small, not much damage occurs which is simply untrue. Smaller ice pieces, under the right conditions, can cause just as much harm to a roof as larger size pieces – it is just harder to detect. Regardless of whether such damage can be seen from the ground or not, it is safe to assume a loss has happened if gutters, cars or anything else in the immediate area shows evidence of pings and dents.


There are three classifications of hail damage that can occur: dimples, dents and cracks.

  • Dimples – Dimpling of shingles is the least severe type of damage and can be hard to spot; however, it is important to identify since it can be the beginning of future problems. A dimple can be thought of as a type of bruise as most of the harm actually occurs within the shingle itself.
  • Dents – Denting is easily noticeable from the surface. A dent is more severe than a dimple and usually indicates larger hail size. Dented shingles deteriorate much faster than dimpled ones, exposing shingles to the elements and increasing the chance of drying and cracking.
  • Cracks – Cracking is the most severe kind of hail damage and can happen during a storm or later as a result of denting and dimpling. Cracking is the complete penetration of the shingle surface, removing all of a shingle’s protective ability since water and sun can bypass it, further destroying the surface and underlying roof layers.


Because of damage hail can cause to a roof, it is important that repairs be done immediately. It is easy to delay repairs because no leaks evident; however, most leaks do not occur right away. Unfortunately, over time any dimples, dents or small cracks may cause shingle deterioration much faster than normal, leaving an open invitation to leaks decreased efficiency of the heating and cooling system.

After a substantial storm, especially one with hail, it is advisable to contact a local repair company so they can check the roof for any sort of damage. Considering how much the installation of a new roof costs, preventing any residual damage by tending to hail problems will be much more cost-effective in the long run. “Out of sight, out of mind” may be a common phrase, but is not a term that should be used when it comes to a roof that is “out of sight,” especially after hail storms, and any other extreme weather conditions!

Call Schulte Roofing For Any Hail-Related Houston Roofing Repair Needs!

Are you concerned about finding a Houston roofing repair firm to your roof for hail damage? Call Schulte Roofing at 800-367-7663 to inspect your roof for any damage and repair any destruction found!