
Don’t Let Raindrops Fall On Your Head – Fix That Roof!

8A leaky roof can be caused by many things that vary with each region of the United States. The entire East and Gulf coasts face hurricane threats; the North, Midwest and South Central areas are known as ‘Tornado Alley;’ and the entire West Coast faces numerous storms coming off the Pacific ocean.

To protect structures from water damage during rain, it’s important to know what causes leaks in the first place and how to prevent them. This varies and is dependent upon several factors: materials used; age; maintenance; and local climate.


Weather is the prime culprit when it comes to structural roof damage. All types of atmospheric conditions impact the roof such as rain, hail and heavy snow. All of these weather elements could potentially wear away the material used on the structure and allow water to enter a building. Strong winds have the ability to blow or tear off shingles and the heat of the sun can alter or destroy roofing material as well.

Weather damage is not limited to storms and wind; buildings located in warm, dry climates can deteriorate a roof just as much as the other elements of nature. In cold climates, the weight of snow and ice on a roof can put extra pressure on the structure or allow ice dams to form, preventing water from correctly flowing off the roof and instead seep into the building itself.

Finally, wildly fluctuating temperatures can cause organic materials such as wood to contract and expand, which could seriously damage a roof and require the services of a skilled roofer to repair the problem.


Leaks may even occur in houses that are not subject to adverse weather on a regular basis. All materials deteriorate over time, affecting each other in ways that accelerate overall building deterioration. For example, iron nails will rust when exposed to moisture, porous concrete tiles will eventually start to crumble, and tiles falling off could expose the roof, subjecting it to more moisture and possibly rot.


In addition to the above risks, poorly maintained or constructed buildings are even more prone to developing leaks. Sloppy workmanship and inappropriate material such as low quality roofing paper or poor insulation can turn an otherwise healthy building into a rain trap. In well-constructed houses, regular maintenance is an absolute necessity to ensure that no conditions exist that could aggravate a leak. This means cleaning out clogged gutters and checking plumbing vents at regular intervals to ensure that none of them are broken.

Any home that could experience harsh weather conditions should be sure that it is properly constructed and protected. Hiring capable and reputable roofers to refurbish the building top could lower the risk of poor quality workmanship. In addition, regular examinations for signs of damage, trapped moisture, clogged drains and broken plumbing vents could identify any potential issues before escalating into full-blown leaks. Following the tips referenced above would indeed help keep raindrops from falling on any heads – certainly inside the house!

Schulte Roofing Is A Trusted Reputable College Station Roofing Company!

Does your roof need the services of a College Station roofing company? Schulte Roofing at 800-367-7663 is the company College Station area customers can rely upon for any roofing needs!