Choices, choices. We love them, right? But they can be overwhelming. It’s no longer just skim, 1%, 2% or whole milk anymore—there’s soy and cashew and non-lactate, not to mention the countless varieties of almond milk (coconut, vanilla, dark chocolate, unsweetened…). The list goes on and on! But we need the milk for our bones and we want to give our bones the best they deserve! They’re our bones! Or our children’s bones! Or our children’s children’s bones!
Buying a new roof is no different. Okay, well maybe it’s a little different, but our roof is a vital part of our home (the major bone, if you will). Without one, we have no home, just an open fish tank of a house ready to take in all the elements. So what do we choose? The traditional route—basic shingle roof akin to the whole milk mama used to give us with our cookies, or a metal roof like trendy almond milk—it’s the more expensive option but one that’s better for us, lasts way longer in the fridge, and comes in all sorts of colors and varieties. The choice is yours!
Reason #1 Why Metal is Better:
More Durability Means Less Repair and Maintenance
Mud and palm leaves used to cut it, but let’s face it,when travel was only by foot or buggy, people had nowhere to go and all kinds of time to burn constantly repairing their roof. In today’s world, the mud and the leaf roofs are gone and repairs are nothing but a hassle. The scheduling, the money, the buckets catching water, the flies infiltrating our space…as much as we love our friendly neighborhood roof contractor, like the dentist, he’s one we don’t want to see all too often. Metal roofs are more durable than the traditional shingle roof. More durability equals less repairs, less headaches, and a roof that can withstand whatever monsoon, hail damage, and fallen tree may come its way. Metal Roofs are also quick to install due to their light weight so your home won’t be out of commission for long while your new roof is being installed.
Reason #2 Why Metal is Better:
Metal Lasts Longer

Yes, a metal roof is more expensive than a traditional shingle roof, but it is cost efficient in the long term because they last so much longer. Human life expectancy is only rising! We need products that will last for the long haul. Save yourself the hassle and invest in a roof you won’t have to redo in a decade. Do you choose the bargain trash bags just because they’re cheaper, or do you invest in the higher quality ones that won’t drip chicken grease from last nights’ Chicken Casserole Surprise onto your carpet? The cost to clean the carpet will outweigh the cost of the trash bags. Similarly, do you endure one-ply, bargain paper towels or do you pay a little extra for two-ply? You’ll have to use double of the bargain ones anyway, so you’re really not saving anything. Sometimes, paying more saves you money in the long run. When professionally installed, a metal roof can last you 30-50 years. Yes, they cost 2-3 times more than shingles, but choose metal and it may be the last roof you ever buy. Additionally, investing in a metal roof gives you piece of mind that the roof above your head is the best quality you could get. It ensures that your family, your photographs, and your collection of baseball memorabilia displayed like trophies in your basement will also be protected. Think of it as an insurance policy against stress! And we could all use less stress.
Reason #3 Why Metal is Better:
Color Variety Will Help You Defy the Jones’s

Many of us live in neighborhoods where every house looks basically the same as the house next door. Maybe the floor plan differs, or the color of the front door is different, but the houses are similar enough to confuse your paper boy every now and then. What could set your house apart better than a roof in a color none of your neighbors have? In this day and age, with home improvement TV shows littering the program guide, everybody is an interior designer. And now, we don’t have to limit ourselves to the wall colors and shrubbery in the lawn, we can incorporate the design into our roof color. Metal roofs offer a variety of colors and designs—way more than your average shingle roof provides! How about champagne, pacific blue or patina green? Almost any color you could want, you can have. Each of us can have the coolest home on the block, not only in appearance but in durability and energy efficiency as well. Make your neighbors’ jaws drop when they catch a glance at your fancy new roof. You’ll be the talk of the town!
Reason #4 Why Metal is Better:
They’re More Energy Efficient

Who doesn’t enjoy opening the utility bill and finding that it’s less than the previous month? Energy costs are on the rise. Choose metal! It’s much more energy efficient. And, as an added bonus, it’s also environmentally conscious. Not only can you flaunt your unique-colored, durable, metal roof to your neighbors, but you also can be the most environmentally-friendly and penny-savvy homeowner on the block.Go green!
Yes, a metal roof is more expensive to install, but you’re truly getting the best deal for your buck with all that metal roofing in Bryan, TX has to offer—durability, design, energy efficiency, and longevity. Now, that’s a roof that is truly “Bulletproof.”